Monday, August 1, 2011

Spiritual Detox for Ramadan

The following points are so cool. They were shared by a very close friend which I felt I needed to share too as I found them to be very useful....something we need to consider not only in the month of Ramadan but throughout the rest of the year:

  1. Keep free from eating hi-calorie flesh (gossip) of others no matter how true as we seem to love participating in gossip parties!
  2. Switch to fat free truths - remember one lie will lead to another until you get termed a liar!
  3. Avoid artificial tempers - something very uncool!
  4. Do voice therapy by reciting the Qu'ran - the best therapy of all time!
  5. Purify your eyes by crying in Dua - dua is the weapon of the believer!
  6. Do hand reflexology by doing dhikr - Subhanallah, Alhamdulillah, Allahu Akbar!
  7. Brighten your smile by using a miswaak - revive a forgotten sunnah!
  8. Take the weight off your shoulders by paying your zakah - think of all those it will help!
  9. Shrug off those extra kilos of sins by repenting - our beloved Prophet PBUH used to repent more than 70x a day.

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