Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim
In the name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful
Alhamdulillah many of us recite surah al-Kahf(18) on Fridays as recommended by our beloved Prophet PBUH who said : “Whoever reads Surat al-Kahf on the day of Jumu’ah, will have a light that will shine from him from one Friday to the next.” .....keeping this beautiful light in mind we exert ourselves to recite before Friday is over.
Surah Kahf contains 4 very interesting stories that unveil special lessons for our practical lives.
One of them is the story of 2 companions, one of whom was blessed with a lush, profitable garden with springs that made him arrogant and boastful towards his poor companion, he rejected the idea of his wealth ever ceasing.
The poorer companion tries to mend the polytheistic belief of his rich companion, who rejected the reality of the hereafter just because of his immense wealth in this world. This tale is truly an eye-opening reminder for anyone who has let their wealth get to their head! In the end, Allah destroyed his garden and he was left turning his wrists in despair as all his fruit lay fallen around him.
This story highlights the trial of money. Some people get busy adding to their richness and forget to thank the main source, the One who has bestowed them this wealth in the first place, the One & Only Allah SWT. Being grateful for what ever we have been bestowed with is so important because when you are truly thankful to Allah SWT, He will give you more......something I strongly believe in!
One of them is the story of 2 companions, one of whom was blessed with a lush, profitable garden with springs that made him arrogant and boastful towards his poor companion, he rejected the idea of his wealth ever ceasing.
The poorer companion tries to mend the polytheistic belief of his rich companion, who rejected the reality of the hereafter just because of his immense wealth in this world. This tale is truly an eye-opening reminder for anyone who has let their wealth get to their head! In the end, Allah destroyed his garden and he was left turning his wrists in despair as all his fruit lay fallen around him.
This story highlights the trial of money. Some people get busy adding to their richness and forget to thank the main source, the One who has bestowed them this wealth in the first place, the One & Only Allah SWT. Being grateful for what ever we have been bestowed with is so important because when you are truly thankful to Allah SWT, He will give you more......something I strongly believe in!
The purpose of this blog entry is not the stories from surah Kahf, in fact its regarding a verse that is in that surah that makes me anxious & worried every time I come across it. It is Verse 49 where Allah SWT tells us:
“And the Book is placed, and thou seest the guilty fearful of that which is therein, and they say: What kind of a Book is this that leaveth not a small thing nor a great thing but hath counted it! And they find all that they did confronting them, and thy Lord wrongeth no-one.”
This ayah is so frightening......we go about our daily business making sure we avoid all the big things that will go against us on the day of Judgement but what about all the little things that we just ignore thinking no big deal....the verse clearly states that this book that we will be given will not leave out anything big or ‘Little’! We are going to be accounted for every deed, large or small & not one shall be left out.....we may commit various deeds & forget about them, but they are being recorded for us to witness on the day of Reckoning.....the Day of Awful will that be!Can you even begin to imagine!!!!
Forget the big sins like lying, cheating, backbiting etc we are going to witness all the petty things, all the little white lies, all the swearing that we thought nothing of going against us.....Isn’t it time we really started to reflect about the reality of the akirah as time is running out....we are in March, it seems it was only yesterday that I was celebrating Eid & guess what Ramadan is round the corner again.....only 6 months left......where has the time gone!!!
Remember every time we do a sin a black dot appears on our heart, in the same way that pebbles make mountains these small sins will add up and will eventually blacken our hearts completely, and will outweigh major sins.
Forget the big sins like lying, cheating, backbiting etc we are going to witness all the petty things, all the little white lies, all the swearing that we thought nothing of going against us.....Isn’t it time we really started to reflect about the reality of the akirah as time is running out....we are in March, it seems it was only yesterday that I was celebrating Eid & guess what Ramadan is round the corner again.....only 6 months left......where has the time gone!!!
Remember every time we do a sin a black dot appears on our heart, in the same way that pebbles make mountains these small sins will add up and will eventually blacken our hearts completely, and will outweigh major sins.
Jannah is Expensive, what PRICE are we willing to pay? Work for the Akhira (Hereafter) as if you will die tomorrow and work for the Dunya (the present world) as if you will live forever.
May this reminder be of benefit as Allah SWT tells us "And Remind for verily a reminder benefits the believer"(51:55)
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