Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim
In the name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful
In the name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful
Hope you are all in the best of health & eeman.....
Its been a long time since I wrote something for my blog so today I decided to write and share what I learnt today at my study circle......Alhamdulillah I had the honour of doing the tafseer of Surah Rahman ( I love that surah....one of my favourites). Islamically whatever little or alot you learn you should pass it on, usually I just tell the hubby & kids but today Im sharing it with everyone because 'love for others what you love for yourself' and as I said I love this surah.
Surah Rahman is comprised of 78 ayahs and the topic of this surah is the mercy of Allah SWT. It begins with 'Al-Rahman' - The most Beneficient, Has taught the Qu'ran....Alhamdulillah we are so blessed to have the Qu'ran amongst us, a guidance for us .....This is such a mercy that we dont even realise it.....How often do we ponder over the verses? Surah Rahman is just full of reminders of the blessings of Allah SWT upon us and this surah after every blessing of Allah SWT asks a question which is ' Then which of the blessings of your Lord will you both (jinn & men) deny?'. This question is asked 31 times so 31 ayahs just consist of this question and its asked not only to man but also to the jinn. Subhanallah there is a hadith that when Allah's Messenger came out to his companions and recited Surah ar-Rahman (55) from the beginning to the end, they remained silent. Thereupon he said: I recited this before the Jinn and their response was better than that of yours. When I came to these words: `Then which of the favours of your Lord do you deny?' They said: Our Lord, there is nothing that we deny of Thy favour; to Thee is all praise due.'
Our response is the same....we might say Subhanallah its so beautiful but do we ever acknowledge to the creator that Oh our Lord Alhamdulillah you have blessed us with so many blessings that we will never be able to count them. Just the fact that we wake up to another day is such a huge blessing because when we sleep our souls are taken up and if we are to live to see another day they are returned to us so waking up to another day is a tremendous blessing. But the biggest blessing that I feel ,should really and truly be appreciated is the fact that we are Muslims and Islam is our religion, I could have been next door ( my neighbours) who do idol worship & if I never got guided ( May Allah SWT guide them to the truth) I would be doomed for ever and ever as we know Allah SWT will forgive anything but not associating partners with Him (shirk will not be forgiven)......so Alhamdulillah & again Alhamdulillah for Islam. Of course these are just a few blessings, just look at whats happening in Gaza .... what do we really have to complain about?Anyway I could go on & on as there is alot about this surah that you can talk about......but my simple message is please do take some time out to read with translation this beautiful surah, do thank Allah SWT for the blessings of sight, mind, hearing, being able to walk, talk , laugh, cry, families, friends, food , drink etc etc..................the list is endless.I thank Allah SWT for giving me this opportunity and May Allah SWT bless & reward my tafseer teacher immensly for all her efforts in the duniya and the akhirah Ameen.
Please dont forget to make dua for the people of Gaza.Please also check out the link below .....its the recitation of surah Rahman.....its one of the best Ive ever heard.....long but so melodious....even if you listen to it for a few minutes but please do listen and watch:-
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