Friday, March 21, 2008

Life is a test!!

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim
In the name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful

Life truly is a test, we get tested in so many different ways. You get tested with your wealth, your children, fear , poverty, with loss of life and even happy times are a test just to see if we are truly grateful to Allah SWT for all the blessings we have.Allah says in the Quran "Alif/Laam/Meem..Do people think that they will be left alone because they say, "We believe," and will not be tested? Indeed We tested those who (lived) before them" Surah Al-Ankaboot (29)1-3.Why am I talking about tests...well simply because I just went through a test although every day of our life is a test ...this was out of the ordinary for me. My whole family was fast asleep and we got burgled but Subhanalllah nothing can harm you without the will of Allah SWT and praise be to Allah who saved us and no one was hurt. Allah's Messenger PBUH said " Never a believer is stricken with a discomfort, an illness, an anxiety , a grief or mental worry or even the pricking of a thorn but Allah WILL expiate his sins on account of his patience " Subhanallah these words bring such comfort as I did feel anxiety, grief and worry but I believe that my sins were expiated. Trials are usually there for us to take a lesson from. I remember thinking that in the Akhirah I didn't want to have these negative feelings because there it will not be just for a few days or few hours but forever.I want to have ETERNAL bliss. It was a trying time but the rememberance of Allah SWT gave me a feeling of peace & calm....Verily in the rememberance of Allah do hearts find comfort, Surah Ar-Rad (13)ayah 28.
So basically, we should keep our tongues moist with the remembrance of Allah as when we remember him in times of ease he will remember us in times of difficulty and I truly believe that is what happened with me.....
Allah SWT does not burden a soul beyond its scope (Surah Baqarah 2, Ayah 286) whatever comes our way , we will be able to cope with it although it may seem as if we can't.

Friday, March 14, 2008

True Love

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim
In the name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful
Today I saw true love ....Subhanallah it wasn't the love we all know between two persons but it was between a teenager and his pet cat! That teenager happens to be my boy and that cat is our precious pet. He has been so busy lately so hasn't had a chance to pay attention to her, she wasnt very happy so she attacked him just to get his attention which she never does. My boy was so upset...I explained why she did that so he spent good 10 minutes with her and Subhanallah she was all happy and purring away. But just the love that Allah SWT has instilled between them is amazing....we forget how even animals need love and care and we have a duty to provide them with that love and attention. There is a hadith from Bukhari which says"You will not have secure faith until you love one another and have mercy on those who live upon the earth." Allah SWT is very compassionate and loves for us to be compassionate even if it is to an animal.
In the Qur'an and Hadith, it is emphasized that animals be treated as humanely as any other of God's vast creation. The Qur'an goes as far to say that cruelty to animals is equivalent to cruel treatment of a human being. Kind treatment of animals is considered a good deed in the same sense that good conduct and treatment between human beings is deemed a good deed. There is another Hadith about a man who felt thirsty and went down a well, and drank water from it. On coming out of it, he saw a dog panting and eating mud because of excessive thirst. The man said, 'This animal is suffering from the same problem as that of mine.' So, he climbed down the well , filled his shoe with water, caught hold of it with his teeth, climbed up and gave the dog a drink. Because of this good act of his Allah SWT forgave him and granted him Paradise.'' The people asked "O Allah's Apostle! Is there a reward for us in serving animals?'' He replied: `Yes, there is a reward for serving any animate (living being).'' (Narrated by Abu Hurairah ). even get rewarded in Islam for being good to an animal so go on do a good deed and share some of your love with the living things we often neglect.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Jumu'ah Mubarak!!

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim
In the name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful
Alhamdulillah, Praise be to Allah...Can you believe its Friday (Jumu'ah) again! Friday is such a special day in Islam, it's the day Adam (AS) was created, on this day he entered Paradise and on this day he came out of it! This is narrated by Abu Hurairah in Muslim. This is also the day Judgement day will take place...may Allah SWT save us from the fear of that day Ameen.
Reading Surah Al-Kahf (Surah 18) on Friday is so beneficial because you will be blessed with a light from the creator between the two Jumu'ahs(that Friday & the following Friday)...Isn't that just wonderful...Alhamdulillah I've already implemented that in my life and I feel its definitely made a huge difference in my daily routines....You've got to read with pure belief and Subhanallah you will notice yourselves the change that occurs...Alhamdulillah!!
Oh yeah today during my Quran class in the Masjid there was a tiny little girl, probably about 1-2 years old, really cute & she was wearing this jean dress and she kept putting pens in her dress and they kept falling out & she kept putting them in thinking she had a was just so cute and funny ...I can still picture her but I was just admiring her because little children are such a blessing, they are so innocent and so pure. They are so close to Allah SWT. Only learning about Islam and abiding by it has made me realise of little blessings that are around us...We have a lot to be thankful for. That little girl was really the highlight of my day, she brought such a smile to my face and made me appreciate the one who created me....With that happy note I finish my blog and make dua for myself and the Ummah of Propher Muhammad PBUH!

Monday, March 3, 2008


Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim ,
In the name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful .

All praise is due to Allah and Allah alone who has given me this opportunity to talk about my passion which is Islam. By joining the blog race I can talk about all the little things I'm learning on a daily basis, about my Islamic experiences, my feelings , my thoughts and maybe somebody might just benefit a TINY little bit from them..Inshallah! Blogging seems to suit me to the letter simply because many times I have wanted to share with others what I've learnt but unfortunately the most important people in my life are either too busy or they just don't want to know! Never mind...that's life!!!!!

Before I go on to share a poem I wrote a few weeks ago when I was so overwhelmed by the fact that I had been blessed with Islam I just want to thank my sis-in-law (hubby's sis) who actually made this possible for me and set this whole thing up and even gave me the name of Strongiman, although I am working on that part. Its people like her who are special and you know you can rely on them in times of need. May Allah reward her for her wonderful effort in this world and the Akhirah(hereafter) Ameen! The title of my blog For the love of God actually comes from my darling daughter who one day said to me " For the love of God mum,stop picking on me"...although that sounded sweet , it actually brought tears to my eyes......sometimes I can go on, not in the best way!!!!

I am going to end my first ever blog with a poem that I wrote in the car titled ALHAMDULILLAH! Its just basically thanking Allah SWT for every thing he has blessed me with.....we can NEVER thank him enough.

Alhamdulillah for the moment that I wake

Oh Allah forgive me for all the mistakes that I make

Alhamdulillah for the blessing of Islam

Oh Allah fill my heart with peace and calm

Alhamdulillah for the steps that I take

Oh Allah let these steps be only for your sake

Alhamdulillah for my beating heart

Oh Allah when my soul is taken do not let it be ripped apart

Alhamdulillah for every part of me

Oh Allah make me remember you constantly

Alhamdulillah for my family and friends

Oh Allah bless us all with good ends

Alhamdulillah for making me just me

Oh Allah it is your blessed face that I long to see..

So I have now finally come to the end ....May Allah accept it from me, we have to make sure that everything we do is ONLY for the sake of the creator and only then we shall succeed in this world and the next.